Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Brazil Exceeding Expectations in Clean Energy.

Solar Panels in Brazil

Brazil has surpassed 45 GW of installed solar capacity, according to the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Absolar. More than R$211.7 billion in new investments have been attracted to the sector and over 1.4 million green jobs have been created.

Now, solar power corresponds to 19% of the Brazilian energy matrix. Absolar estimates that the photovoltaic sector has so far avoided emissions of 55 million tons of CO2 in electricity generation. And from 2012, it has contributed more than R$ 65.5 billion of public revenues to the sector.

Distributed generation also includes installed capacity of 30.7 GW of solar power, meaning investments of about R$ 148.82 billion and revenues of R$ 44.6 billion, besides generating more than 920,000 formal green jobs since 2012 in all regions of Brazil. Solar technology accounts for 99.9% of distributed generation connections in the country.

Already in centralized generation, large solar plants have surpassed 14.8 GW in installed capacity, with about R$ 62.9 billion in investment, and more than 442,900 green jobs created since 2012.

Already in the assessment of Absolar’s CEO, Rodrigo Sauaia, photovoltaic technology has been of great importance to the country’s energy transition process. “Aside from accelerating the decarbonization of economic activities and aiding in fighting global warming, solar power is increasingly strategic for competitiveness, productive sectors, family budget relief, energy independence, and national prosperity,” says he.

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